This space is for you to master your true power

Coaching is about facilitating a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your personal and professional potential.

Coaching provides a courageous space where you can explore and nurture your internal self-awareness and integrity, empowering your inherent awesomeness to emerge and shine.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

~ Lao Tzu

Who are we in a coaching session


The session is a safe space for you to get what you need and when you need it: expressing your emotions, understanding the dynamics of your inner state, facing doubts and challenges.


I am your thinking partner, I ask powerful questions, I challenge you, and keep you accountable for what you want for you and your life.


Together we co-create a unique relationship which supports the emergence of your own, sustainable and authentic way of being, living, and leading.

Who do I work with ?

I work with clients in leadership and personal development, partnerships and relationships, and wellbeing.

Coaching process with me  is holistic, highly inclusive, participatory and collaborative with a focus on :

  • Personal growth and self-awareness.

  • Leading with authentic confidence.

  • Overcoming personal challenges and creating life on purpose and meaning. 

  • Building strong and sustainable relationships in personal and professional lives and beyond.

I also support new and existing teams and groups facing specific challenges, including:

  • Team building

  • Mergers, conflicts, and other team dynamics.

  • Challenging relationships or communication issues.

  • Significant life obstacles or transitions.

What sort of coach am I?

My coaching practice is evidence and research based. I am blending knowledge from research in psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science, with somatic practice, mindfulness, Hatha yoga, pranayama, Lojong - to access the natural wisdom of your mind and body. I work with who you are now, and not what you do.

To serve you with suitable tools and practices, and deliver exceptional standard of coaching, I am committed to an ongoing education.

I am accredited by the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach. I trained with Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), one of the industry leaders in coaching trainings and I am an ORSC practitioner working with complex teams and individuals. I hold Master degree in Biotechnology in Environmental Engineering with a Professional Doctorate in Engineering in BioProduct Design.


    When you are ready to let go off assumptions and beliefs that hinder your progress, and allow for your awesomeness to emerge and shine - this is the right time to start developing YOU.  


    You might be here because you care and want to support your team in redevelopment, conflict resolution, or other changes that may impede the progress. Discover the power of sared leadership in systems coaching.


    Perhaps both of you are ready to let go off things that hold your relationship back from flourishing - you dream to reignite your chemistry.